How to: Calculate Master Budgets from Child Budgets

Before you can run Calculate Budget from Child Budgets on a master budget, you must complete these steps:

1. Setup master-child budgets

  1. Navigate to LS Retail – Replenishment, Open-to-Buy - Retail Sales Budget List or Retail Purchase Budget List.
  2. Select a child budget, and click Edit.
  3. Select the relevant master budget in the Master Budget field.

    Note: The master budget Type must be the same or higher than the child budget Type. For example, if the master budget type is Item Category, the allowed child budget type is Item Category, Product Group, Item or Item Hierarchy. Division is not allowed because it has a higher level compared to the master budget type. Item and Item Hierarchy are in the same level. When served as a child budget, it can push entries to master budget with Type in Division, Item Category, Product Group, Item, and Item Hierarchy.

  4. When all master-child budget relationships are done and ready, you can go on to the next step, to Calculate Budget from Child Budgets on the relevant master budget.

2. Calculate master budgets from child budgets

  1. On the Retail Sales Budget List or Retail Purchase Budget List page, select a master budget, and click Sales Budget or Purchase Budget to open the Retail Sales Budget or Retail Purchase Budget page.
  2. Click Calculate Budget from Child Budgets.

Note: It is important to be aware that all existing budget entries in the master budget will be cleared when consolidations from child budget(s) are being performed.

3. Drill down to budget entries

  1. On the Retail Sales Budget List or Retail Purchase Budget List page, select a budget, and click Sales Budget or Purchase Budget to open the Retail Sales Budget or Retail Purchase Budget window.
  2. Expand the entries to the Budget Type level, for example Product Group, and select on-target period.
  3. Click Assist edit or press Shift + F8 to open the Retail Sales Budget Entries or Retail Purchase Budget Entries window.

Information about the consolidated entries from the child budget can be found in the Consolidated from Budget Name, Consolidated Date, and Consolidated Time fields on the Retail Sales Budget Entries or Retail Purchase Budget Entries page.